Monthly Archives: September 2012

Time After Time: Creating a Valid Time Sql Server Audit Table
In an earlier post Time After Time: Temporal Modeling for Sql Audits and Historic Views I discussed the concept of Valid-Time tables. This is a powerful technique that can be used for many different design goals. To further clarify the idea, here is a very basic example demonstrating the use of an Valid-Time audit history […]

Basic Guidelines for Validation and Procesing of User Input to Web Applications
Here is another “Back to Basics” post to help establish, explain and document a baseline architecture for web applications. The modern web is filled with phenonmenal opportunities and following a few basic engineering priciples goes a long way to keep things moving forward in a positive direction. By design, a web user agent (e.g. a […]

SharePoint 2010 Error: An object of the type Microsoft SharePoint Administration SPWebConfigJobDefinition named “job-webconfig-modification” already exists
In my daily work I am often called in as a “terminator” for tough problems that cannot be resolved through normal support channels. Not long ago I was tasked to figure out why a custom SharePoint 2010 Feature was failing to activate on a production farm. Using SharePoint Features [] is an awesome way to […]