Category Archives: Web Applications

Basic Guidelines for Secure Software

Web applications accessible to the public Internet are guaranteed to be the target of random or focused attempts at mischief or abuse and recovering from a root compromise always painful. At a minimum, web applications require the planned design and consistent implementation of diverse technologies based on: education in the Most Critical Security Vulnerabilities [] […]

Basic Guidelines for Data Integrity in Enterprise Architecture

The original Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks [] was a major milestone in the history of information technology that has undergone changes in understanding over the years. Despite the fact There is No Database Magic [], A Review of Relational Concepts [] is useful to avoid widespread Logical-Physical Confusion []. Conceptual, […]

Some Thoughts on the Usability and Accessibility of Web Applications

Despite the occasional protestations to the contrary by HiPPOs [], there are Research Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines [] and Guidelines for Web Credibility [] that should be familiar to all web database software developers with an understanding of the Differences Between Print Design and Web Design []. At a minimum, web developers should […]

ASP.NET Assembly Loading

Although developers often use the terms interchangably, there is a difference between a .NET Application Domain [] and an ASP.NET Application Pool []. Regular .NET applications load assemblies into an application domain on demand. ASP.NET has special behavior that will automatically load all assemblies in the /bin directory when the application domain loads or reloads. […]

Basic Guidelines for Validation and Procesing of User Input to Web Applications

Here is another “Back to Basics” post to help establish, explain and document a baseline architecture for web applications. The modern web is filled with phenonmenal opportunities and following a few basic engineering priciples goes a long way to keep things moving forward in a positive direction. By design, a web user agent (e.g. a […]