Category Archives: Sustainable Maintenance

Some Thoughts on Software Design and Maintenance

There is a definite Art in Computer Programming [] shaped by the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs [] and established Design Principles and Design Patterns [] From a technical pespective, Refactoring [] is the essential technique to incrementally remove harmful code patterns such as the Go To Statement [] and other AntiPatterns [] such […]

Sharepoint 2010 Error Page Customization

Planning for Monitoring SharePoint 2010 is a key component of any enterprise installation. Micorosoft’s free (but unsupported and no longer available as an official download 🙂 ULS Viewer is an amazing tool to provide insights into the inner workings of the platform. However it can be difficult to distinguish which errors are actually show stoppers […]

SharePoint 2010 Error: An object of the type Microsoft SharePoint Administration SPWebConfigJobDefinition named “job-webconfig-modification” already exists

In my daily work I am often called in as a “terminator” for tough problems that cannot be resolved through normal support channels. Not long ago I was tasked to figure out why a custom SharePoint 2010 Feature was failing to activate on a production farm. Using SharePoint Features [] is an awesome way to […]