Category Archives: SharePoint
SharePoint 2010 Custom Dictionary for Spell Check on Publishing Sites
SharePoint 2010 Publishing Sites have a cool spell check feature for page content but it is not at all obvious how to add words your own words to the dictionary. Unlike most modern word processors there is no “Add to Dictionary” button on the GUI. Instead you need to: Create a text file called “Custom […]
SharePoint 2010 Fix for Note Board SocialComment WebPart Default Text Using jQuery
SharePoint 2010 has a cool Note Board Web Part (a.k.a SPSWC:SocialCommentWebPart) that you can use to share with colleagues []. However, when there are no comments posted it will display the following text: There are no notes posted yet. You can use notes to comment on a page, document, or external site. When you create […]
Sharepoint 2010 Error Page Customization
Planning for Monitoring SharePoint 2010 is a key component of any enterprise installation. Micorosoft’s free (but unsupported and no longer available as an official download 🙂 ULS Viewer is an amazing tool to provide insights into the inner workings of the platform. However it can be difficult to distinguish which errors are actually show stoppers […]
SharePoint 2010 Error: An object of the type Microsoft SharePoint Administration SPWebConfigJobDefinition named “job-webconfig-modification” already exists
In my daily work I am often called in as a “terminator” for tough problems that cannot be resolved through normal support channels. Not long ago I was tasked to figure out why a custom SharePoint 2010 Feature was failing to activate on a production farm. Using SharePoint Features [] is an awesome way to […]
SharePoint 2010 Fix for Spell Check of Publishing Site UserField Using JQuery
Out of the box, the SharePoint 2010 includes an awesome Spell Check feature for Publishing sites. But if you have a UserField on your Layout page, it will also spell check hidden XML codes used by the People Picker control and report dozens of invisible errors. As of this posting, I know of no supported […]