Category Archives: Meta

Happy 4th of July 2012!!!
I am happy to have finished the migration to a new WordPress platform. It is time for a break w00t!!!! Thanks for all the good words and encouragement so far. Enjoy the summer season!

1 Click DB: Open Source Web Database Administration Using Active Server Pages
1 Click DB web enables basic Browse-Search-Export-Add-Edit-Delete and Database Administration features for Microsoft Access, Sql Server and Oracle databases. This popular open source software first debuted in 1998 authored by David Kawliche using ASP (Active Server Page) technology. Currently there is no formal technical support for the scripts, they still seem to work fine “out […]

Hello world!
Welcome to the new website. This is my place on the net to share knowledge about web, database, and enterprise software. In my day to day work with technology, I have found there is No Silver Bullet [] to the essential difficulties of software development. Essential best practices are situational and defined by context. […]